To curate...

In the past nine months, I have learned more about myself than in the previous twenty five years working for Fortune 500 multi-national organisations.  That is not to say that I didn’t learn a lot over those twenty five years, I did. And I worked for some great companies, with some fantastic people, however, having recently dug deep I realise now that I wasn’t being completely true to myself.

I have learned the power of being authentic, how important it is to understand your value, and focusing on what it is you want to be doing.  And if you’re lucky like I am you can also make a living from it. 

I have been humbled by the kindness of my friends and network.  How people are prepared to give you some of their time (arguably their most valuable asset) to hear your story, and then tell me a little bit about theirs.

I have decided to do what I really love, and believe I am good at, helping individuals and businesses clarify their goals, discover their direction and purpose, and teach them a framework to achieve those goals. So, I am shifting from Fortune 500 corporate, to Consultant and finally Coach where I belong.
There are lots of coaches out there so what makes me think that I can make this work?  The experience and testimonials I’ve received, old and new. My formal and informal education and that I now know this is what I should be doing.  I know I am good at it and (I’m trying not to sound like a d@#k here) it is what I am meant to be doing. As my Executive Coach Yu Dan Shi says, I have found my ‘inner genius’.

That may be the case, however, whilst I have found my inner genius that does not mean that I am a thought leader.  Importantly, I realise that I don’t need to be a thought leader to deliver my clients the outcomes they are looking for.  Since moving into professional services it seems that every which way I turn I find another wannabe thought leader.  I appreciate their journey and business development strategy, however, I’m not joining their club…

I have decided that I am far more a thought curator than thought leader. 

One definition of curator - which I think best matches part of what I do - is: “One who gathers something, organizes it, and makes it available to the public.”

As a Thought Curator I am leading people towards their full potential, and working alongside businesses to close their 'performance gap'. I am being helped along by some thought leaders - most recently; Richard Branson, Peter Drucker, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Angela Duckworth, Daniel Pink, Carol Dweck and Sir John Whitmore to name a few.

I am a Thought Curator, in fact, I am thinking of trademarking it 😉

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of any other person, organisation, employer or company.  The author is a performance coach for individuals and businesses with a belief that we all have untapped potential, which once found can improve performance.  I draw on 25 years corporate experience, a Bachelor of Arts in Social & Cultural Anthropology and a Masters of Business Administration.


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